Week 10 I Am A Person Who....

When thinking about yourself in a work setting, one can think in term of a flower. A flower with seven pedals. Each pedal represents a different part of you. Pedal number one, you and people, people can see the type of person you are by the type of people you like to work with and be around. Pedal number two, environment conditions. Number three, what you can do. Four, your goals, missions, and purpose. Number five, your knowledge. Number six, level of responsibility based on salary. Finally, number seven, your preferred surroundings.

If you are interested in finding out what your traits or self-management are click one of the links below. One can use self-management skills to bring up a desirable skill so that you are able to describe your talent and or more skills.

Working Out Your Myers-Briggs Type 
The 16 Personality Types
What Is Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?


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