Week 11 Finding out what career/ job works for you

There are many sites out there that help you determined based on the information you provide them what career or work you should pursue. These type of test are called aptitude test. An aptitude test assumes that everyone has certain strengths and weakness that are inclined towards success or failure, in certain areas its based on characteristics. This is not a test to see how much you know.

There are certain companies that use aptitude test to help make hiring decisions. These tests are called career assessment tests. This  test helps the company learn more about the people they are hiring by viewing the employees strengths and weaknesses.

Some things to keep in mind while taking these tests are:

  •  When receiving the results of your test, it does not mean you have to do every job that pops up.
  • Don't feel like you are required to do every job although the requirements may be the same. 
  • Just because you are good at something doesn't mean that you are going to like it. For example if the test shows that you are good at math it doesn't necessarily mean you wan to do something math related long term.
Below are couple of aptitude test links complete free if you would like to try some of these out.


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