Week 8 Managing Social Media
Do you have more than one social media account? Have you ever wanted to post the same picture or article to all you social media accounts but don't want to go through the process of individually going through them all? Today i am here to make your posting a little easier. I am going to talk to you about Hootsuite. Hootsuite provides a dashboard that allows users to update their social media account from one place. This can also be used for social media listening, that helps companies understand what people are saying about them on social media accounts. www.hootsuite.com
Just like anything else you want to get familiar with the site so i recommend visiting the site by clicking the link above and just explore. They provided different prices depending on the type of service one is going to be using.
Lets start with the free account. After you create a profile with them Hootsuite will walk you through
how to add your existing social media accounts. One can add Twitter, Face Book, LinkedIn, Foursquare, and Google+Pages. Next we need to authorize the accounts so it will ask you to sign in.
After going through all the steps that the website provides you, you are ready for your first post. On the left hand side there is a toolbar that will appear when the mouse is hoovered over it. Once the toolbar is opened you want to go to the top of the screen and click the drop-down menu. All of the social media links you add should show up, just click on them to select them.
Once the message board appears you can now post. At the bottom of the screen that pops up it will let you know the amount of characters that each site lets you post.
Lets pretend you are going on a trip and you are not going to be able to get to a computer to post. Hootsuite provides a scheduling service. In the same message board that appears at the bottom right hand corner next to the paper clip there is a small calendar. This calendar allows you to preemptively write your post and then set a time and date to release them. This way you can enjoy your vacation and know that your post was sent.
Now as a part of my class assignment i had to go through this process and i found it to be easy. The site guides you on what and how to do it. I think this is a very helpful site especially if you want to stay connect to the social media world.
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