Week 6 Interview Tip

Hearing the word "interview" make easily make anyone nervous. Keep in mind that the word "interview" usually comes in plural meaning that you might have more than one interview at the same company. Companies are also saying that 63% of their interviews are now online via Skype so that can at least eliminate some of the anxiety of a face-to-face interview.

Tip #1
Lets start of with the conclusion one makes when they don't hear back from an employer after two or so interviews. One starts to think "they didn't call me because of my background, experience.." so on an so forth. This thoughts may stop you from wanting to keep on the search for a job but the truth is that you can not compare employers to previous employer who didn't call you back. All the generalizations made of why they didn't call are all just mental conveniences. Every employer is different and believe it or not so is their way of looking for employees and their hiring process. Unless you look dirty and smell there is an employer looking for someone with your specific skill set. Do not give up.

Tip #2
Be prepared for the interview. Do a lot of research. Organizations and companies love to be loved do NOT skip this step. If you show up with information about the company they won't only be impressed but flattered. Google them. Visit their website, read their "About us", read their reviews ect.

Tip #3

If you are the one that asked for the interview make sure you let them know how much of their time you are going to take. You are the one in control, a good time frame would be 10 minutes. If the company agrees to the interview make sure you KEEP the time frame. This will build trust. Don't obsess about time but make sure you are aware of it. Keep a timer on your phone that will vibrate around the 7 minute mark to let you know to wrap it up. Make sure that it does not go off and that it is located somewhere you feel it. 

Tip #4
In the book What-Color-Your-Parachute it reads that an interview is a lot like dating. Now what this means is that the company or business is trying to decide if they like you, trying to see of they want to "go steady" with you. It is a two way street just like dating. The company is not only taking interest in you but this is your time to ask about them. Make the first couple questions soft, about them, then market yourself confidently but only if you decided that this is the place you want to be.

Tip #5 
Be prepared to answer questions. The very first question asked is "tell me about yourself ". Here are something to keep in the back of your head when approached with this question.
a. Do not answer the question with another question.
b. Here is were you would answer with the types of skills you have, knowledge that are relevant to the job.
Here is a list of question that you should be expecting at an interview:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What do you know about this company?
3. Why are you applying for this position?
4. What are your strengths?
5. How would you describe yourself?
6. What are some of your weaknesses?
7. What type of work do you like to do?
8. What accomplishments thus far in your life, gave you the most satisfaction.
9. What are some your goals in life?
10. Why did you leave your last place of work?

There are plenty more questions that you have to be ready for but for now these are your basics.

No techniques works all the time. Some people who would follow these tips will secure an interview but wont get hired. Like i mentioned in previous post it's all about what they think is the right fit for their company. If all else fails there are career coach that you can talk to if you feel that you have tried everything possible.


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