Week 5- Social Media Marketing Ads

When trying to start up or business or even trying to create more web traffic, ads can be your best friend. With people turning to the internet more and more now a days, Facebook has developed a way to not only get more likes but help create your social media demographic. This approach is called Facebook Ads.  

If you have a Facebook page you most likely seen these advertisements, they are usually located on the right-hand side of the page. The goal of Facebook ads are to get people to click on the page and hit the like button. Make sure that you have a targeting audience in mind when creating your Facebook ad. Targeting matches your advertisement to a certain audience.

Facebook ads makes it easy to capture someones eye with their use of color, as well as help you pick an audience depending on the demographic, behaviors, and contacts. 

There are certain questions to ask yourself when creating your ad or page. Why are people visiting? What are they looking for? and one we already talked about who are my targeting audience?

There are two ways for paying for Facebook ads i would like to talk about; paying based on the quantity of ads, and the amount of clicks that are made. Facebook also lets you see the amount of activity going on in your page. This was you can see where you are being affected and were you would need improvement. If you would like to set up an account if you don't already have one, follow this link https://www.facebook.com/

In one of my previous blogs i talked about how Facebook and Google narrow down what you search for or what you likes then suggest accordingly the ads that you will see. By making sure you tell Facebook the audience that you are trying to reach, as a business you should not have any problems racking up those likes on your page.


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