Week 5- Job Hunting and the Arts

The arts have always been shamed and disregarded from school cut backs to even jobs. Only 27% of collage graduates have a job regarding their major. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/05/20/only-27-percent-of-college-grads-have-a-job-related-to-their-major/?utm_term=.c067fae69f6e

Compared to the 27% only 10% are liberal art degree holders. What people don't realize is that art is everywhere and not only in galleries, museums, and home decor. We can see art from the design on a menu to the different colors seen in a garden. The sad part is that most artist won't even have any recognition till after death, if they are lucky.

Lets compare professions shall we? If you go to school to become a pilot they can guarantee you that you can fly commercial planes, go on international flights and so on but how come as an artist they can't guarantee you the same?

If one does not know how to properly market and advertise their things they will never successfully bring up their business. A great understanding on marketing techniques and sale tactic is need especially for a fine art major. The people who typical make it big in the art world make it because of the people they know. They have connections and techniques that can triumph over a person who does not the right people.  

Since we have been talking about the web a lot especially with resumes and jobs, an artist has to have a great online portfolio. Eye catching and pleasant that fits the artist style. If you are not by all means web shabby there are multiple websites that with a small fee or sometimes no fee can create a site for you. I have been using https://www.portfoliobox.net/ they have great templates and its easy to use.

After creating your website the next step would be to create your business card. I recently attended a printing convention where i stumbled onto a great idea. There was a company there that creates custom business card with a twist. Each business card had a detachable chip that when inserted to your computer it directs you the their website for more information. Now this is an amazing idea when trying to kick start your career or business. If you want to keep things traditional and simple, just like the website, there are plenty of companies that can design a business card for you.

Learning more about social media and how it ties into the business side of things creating a couple of accounts for your art is the way to go. In the previous blog i talked about Facebook ads, once you have your page set up investing in this can not only help you get your name out there but bring in more clientele. 

As artist we have to fight a little harder to get to where we want to go but with a little help and knowledge we will get there. Educating our self and keeping up with the new trends of formatting are only the begging to a great start to your career.


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