Week 3 Social Media Marketing- Tools

When trying to market or advertise something, either a product or a blog, you have to take in consideration the way the product is packaged or the way a blog is created. I'm going to talk about blogging to try to keep things simple. In a recent chapter i read from the book "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" Todd Kelsey provides a specific set of tool to help you create and develop ways to maintain a blog without having to hire a professional. First thing to keep in mind is the difference between curation, creation, and collaboration. Curation is basically gathering and collecting information, find certain content, and even sharing, and reviewing. Here comes the best part, creation, were your original ideas come to the foreground.

To put it in context this can mean articles that you have written, videos that you have created, and even post from a previous blogs. The final step, and a step that can help you branch out, is collaboration. Collaborating with other people that share the same goal or maintain a specific set of skills can not only make your blog more approachable to audiences, but get your name out there. Kelsey goes into dept about different blogging site and what they can provide for you. https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Social-Media-Marketing-Beginners/dp/1484228537

Lets move on to grasping and catching a viewers attention. Peacocks, when it comes time to mate, flair their tails showing off their beautiful plumage catching the peahens attention. We are going to capture the same context with images. We want to make sure that the images that are provided are inviting and at the same time entreating. Take for example the picture that i provided up top. It brings in a certain amount of mystery but it ties in with the post. The pictures pulls viewers in not only with the colors that the peacock provides but it leaves the audience wondering what the post can be about. In this case different sets of skills. There are many different site available to the public to help enhance photos such as Photoshop, pricresize.com and gimp.org.

Screenshots can also help, especially if you are trying to show certain steps on how to do something online. By tying curation, creation, collaboration and images you are in for a great start to a successful blog. 


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